Protein Powder


  • Enhances physical strength
  • For general weakness
  • Improves muscle strength
SKU: REF. LA-81 Category: Tag:


ALFU Protein Powder is made from a group of dravyas combined together to make a natural strength booster. It helps to increase digestive fire and stimulate metabolism in the body which results in balancing the dhatus and building strength.
ALFU Protein Powder is a natural muscle builder. It is a natural protein supplement which will help in healing and building the body. It also helps in increasing immunity and general health.
1 to 2 tsp after meal
With milk or water
Available Packs:
200 gm

KAUNCH:Being an aphrodisiac, Kaunch has the ability to stimulate and regulate sexual functions, improving the quality and quantity of semen. Kaunch plays a significant role in increasing muscle mass as well as endurance and also helps the body to enhance muscular strength. It acts as a nervine tonic and Anti-inflammatory agent used in treating arthritis.
AGAR: Aguru is a carminative, stimulant and appetiser in digestive ailments. It relieves itching, augments skin health and improves blood circulation. Due to its cooling effect, it has a soothing and nourishing effect on the eyes.
JAIPHAL:It balances kapha and vata in the body. Is an aphrodisiac and helpful in stimulating menstruation in women with dysmennorhea. Is used as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic. Being a vata shamak could be used in insomnia and convulsions.
JAVITRI:It is extracted from the seed of the nutmeg plant and improves taste and appetite. It also helps in enhancing the complexion and skin tone.
MUSLI:Musli helps in improving fertility and vitality in women and men. It also encourages health and longevity by increasing disease defences, stopping the ageing process, revitalizing the body under weakened circumstances and enhances strength


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