Carticure Oil


• Useful in inflammation.
Degenerative forms of rheumatism,
Sprain, Strains, Acute Gout Arthritis, Acute Musculoskeletal disorders.

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SKU: REF. LA-88 Category: Tag:


Alfu’s Carticure Capsules are formulated from ingredients which are really effective in issues for all kinds of inflammation related to soft tissue injury, articulation issues and other degenerative issues.

1-2 capsule twice or thrice a day or as directed by the physician.
Available Packs:
30 caps

SHUDH BHILAWA: Balances kapha and vata in the body being bitter and pungent in nature.
Being hot in potency and with sharpness quality helps increase digestive fire, digest undigested aam. Being penetrative in nature help reduce inflammation, pain and other joint issues. Is stimulating in nature and help stimlate organs function better.
GUGGLU: Balances vata in the body being hot in potency. Help reduce weight due its non- unctuousness and limpid in quality. Help balance kapha in the body due it being sharp and hot in potency. It works wonders as an antiinflammatory and analgesic medicine. Increases digestive fire. Is indicated in inflammations, thyroid issues, cysts and heart issues.
HARIDRA: Balances all the three doshas vata, pitta, kapha in the body. Being hot in potency is analgesic in nature. Helps increase blood circulation, blood and is a coagulant. Balances urine formation and regulation. Help reduce inflammation and decrease pain as it balances vata in the body.